Future ready hospitals success

Carole Delarbre
June 29, 2018

Who are the leading Healthcare providers who trust ALE?

Making everything connect to create customized technology experiences that patients, clinicians and care providers need is a key component of a successful digital transformation.
See how Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise enables healthcare providers to connect their patients, staff and healthcare ecosystem to optimize the care pathway and enhance accessibility, efficiency, quality and patient outcomes.

This eBook contains a set of Healthcare customer success stories including additional information about their chosen ALE solution.

Healthcare customer references ebook thumbnail

Carole Delarbre

Carole Delarbre

Solution Marketing Manager for communications solutions at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Technology, innovation and agile methodology inspire Carole in her whole professional journey. As a Solution Marketing Manager for communications solutions, she is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Market Enablement.
In her previous roles, Carole was involved in Healthcare Marketing for 6 years, and in Services Marketing and Communication for 12 years. Through her different roles, she has developed a solid experience in content creation, digital marketing for the web and social media, as well as internal and external communication. Carole has a master’s degree in Economics and Management.

About the author

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