Creating the Future of 医疗保健 Together: 2017 Hacking Health Camp


你可以看到, hear and feel the energy from the moment you walked into the room at the 4th Hacking Health Camp, 今年由ALE赞助.

活泼的讨论, whiteboard drawings of models and a collaborative spirit with an entrepreneurial edge were the hallmarks of this event held March 17ñ19, 2017, 在法国斯特拉斯堡大学医院. 

医疗专业人员, 设计师, 黑客, and entrepreneurs gat在这里d to create applications to solve some of healthcareís biggest challenges ñ from communication to improving 病人 care. The weekend was much more than an event, a workshop or a camp. It was an opportunity to get the stakeholders of healthcare together and design a future to provide the best possible 病人 outcomes.

Gaining Firsthand Knowledge of 医疗保健 Challenges and Opportunities

Instead of developers creating technology solutions for healthcare professionals, 黑客马拉松使用了一个共同构建的愿景ñ医生, 护士, hospital administrative staff AND technology professionals working together without the pressure of everyday work tasks, 每个都带来了独特的视角, 专业知识和技能. The result: innovative healthcare applications that make a difference in business and 病人 care.

The 14 Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise employees who volunteered at the Hackathon left with more than just new knowledge, they actually took and developed technology solutions based on the ALE connected platform 彩虹. They now have two prototypes based on 彩虹 active to start turning into reality. 通过与医疗保健专业人员并肩工作, they gained a new understanding of the problems healthcare workers face day-to-day: To give each 病人 the care they deserve, fight the barriers to incorporate healthcare technology and deal with the common pain points when using cloud computing technology. This understanding helps ALE exceed market expectations as it delivers its healthcare solutions. 但更重要的是, many new friendships and partnerships were formed between teammates from different industries while working together on a common goal.

Working with 医疗保健 Professionals to Create Technologies Driving 医疗保健 Trends

The Hackathon also gave ALE employees a chance to work on projects outside normal work responsibilities, 而是在个人感兴趣的领域. One employee was able to further explore his interest in 3-D technology when he joined a team that focused on utilizing 3-D technology for prostheses. The majority of the ALE employees worked on the following two projects based on ALEís connected platform 彩虹:

•prerecovery - This team worked to solve the continual healthcare challenge of reducing complications after surgery. 通过使用teamís多样化的体验, they developed an application preparing 病人s for out病人 surgery by monitoring their progress before the surgery. The app acts as a virtual assistant that follows the 病人 through the process and communicates with the surgeon, 病人, 亲属及主治医生. A 彩虹-powered BOT ensures that the mockups work in real-life situations.

• PoleBook - Doctors in the gynecology department from the University Hospitals of Strasbourg (HUS) shared that challenges in their daily life securing communications with the right colleagues, 规划会议, 共享文档是低效的主要原因. The team worked together to understand the unique needs of healthcare professionals and designed a social media network for hospital personnel, 赢得了一顶 数字创新 在黑客马拉松上获奖. The application allows staff to communicate directly with each other through instant message, 通过新闻源共享文档和接收通知. Clinicians can set their status based on their availability to communicate.

最重要的是, the visions and models invented at the Hackathon didnít just get pushed to the back shelf come Monday morning. ALE is already working at transforming PôleBook from a prototype to a reality leveraging 彩虹 platform. The digital transformation of healthcare is happening quickly and thanks to the experiences gained through events like the Hackathon, ALE具有洞察力, knowledge and expertise to be on the forefront of creating the future of healthcare.



Solution Marketing Manager for communications solutions at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Technology, innovation and agile methodology inspire Carole in her whole professional journey. 作为通信解决方案的市场经理, she is currently focused on 云通信 and Market Enablement.
在她之前的角色中, 卡罗尔从事医疗保健市场营销已有6年, 在服务营销和传播方面工作了12年. 通过她不同的角色, 她在内容创作方面积累了丰富的经验, 网络和社交媒体的数字营销, 以及内部和外部的沟通. 卡罗尔拥有经济与管理硕士学位.





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Businesses benefit from a holistic employee experience that personalises people, 工具, 流程和工作环境.
