

公共部门已经数字化地转变了政府与公民之间的沟通, improving citizen engagement, and benefiting all sectors down the line.

Over a year has passed since the start of the pandemic. 而亚太地区的一些国家正在努力应对长期的封锁和行动控制, it is becoming increasingly clear that others, including Australia and New Zealand, have emerged as standouts in managing the crisis. But what separates these two groups?

As political scientist Francis Fukuyama puts it, it may depend on ‘whether citizens trust their leaders, 以及这些领导人是否领导着一个称职而有效的国家。”. This is far easier said than done.

While general trust for governments in the region is high, 今后几个月对于在传播方面应用从大流行中吸取的教训至关重要, interaction between citizens and authorities, and moving industries and economies forward.

公共部门组织加大了努力,改变了政府与公民之间的沟通方式, 改善一切,从弱势群体的安全保障到参与和参与的机会. 以下是技术提高公民参与度的几个方面, 以及它们如何在未来为所有部门带来好处.


建立信任的一个重要途径是确保公民数据的安全. This is especially pertinent today, considering the recent rise in cybersecurity threats in Australia. Globally, data breaches exposed about 360亿条记录 in the first half of 2020 alone. 政府 entities are vulnerable as well, 澳大利亚信息专员办公室(Office of the Australian Information Commissioner)将政府列为2020年下半年报告数据泄露的五大部门之一.

因此,网络安全必须成为有效的政府与公民沟通的关键组成部分. The public sector must embrace cybersecurity from the inside out, 选择的解决方案必须符合澳大利亚信号局(ASD)等国家安全组织制定的指导方针。. From setting up geo-fencing to revising cybersecurity policies, 这将在保护公民个人数据和建立长期信任方面大有帮助.

Provide simple, straightforward online services

After prolonged movement restrictions, most of us have become used to performing our business, 管理请求, 网上的职责. 然而, 许多远程服务仍然过于复杂,难以使用——这是亚太地区的一个问题, 那里只有 26% 根据联合国的数据,世界各国政府已经做好了数字化的准备.

改善这种状况的一种方法是通过语音辅助人工智能驱动的在线服务. 这将通过允许公民快速、轻松地完成获取官方文件等任务,提高数字包容性.

Australia’s online services have certainly evolved as well, servicenw和QLD签到应用程序让沟通和追踪变得更容易. 安全 is also built-in at the app level, ensuring that personal data is protected from potential breaches. 然而,他们仍然可以从语音辅助交易等技术中受益. These will lower digital barriers for users, which has benefits that transcend beyond the public sector. 例如, 它们使私营企业能够轻松获得官方文件,简化了金融机构的核查程序, which is a key function for account opening and maintenance.

Maintain live voice assistance for low-tech citizens

Online services are a step in the right direction, but a digital divide still affects the Asia Pacific region, 与 52 percent of the region’s population 缺乏互联网接入. This means traditional methods such as phone calls, remain a mainstay to access various government services.

澳大利亚和新西兰在该地区铺设国家宽带网络的情况比大多数国家都要好. 然而, geographic difficulties in both countries persist, 偏远地区和城市地区仍然存在移动黑点和网速慢的问题.

即使在这种情况下,技术仍然有可能带来好处. 交互式语音应答可以预先过滤来电并将其路由到正确的服务提供商, improving the efficiency of addressing requests and feedback. 这些功能对于银行和医疗机构等接收大量查询的企业也至关重要.

交互式语音响应不仅可以提高效率,还可以改善整体客户体验和满意度. 与 千禧一代和Z世代 gravitating towards more personalised experiences 与 companies, frictionless interactions will be vital in delivering consistent, positive customer experiences to bolster brand loyalty.


排长队和等待时间是政府与公民有效互动的主要障碍. Bureaucracy and red tape remain alive and well, 孤立的服务增加了市民获得所需帮助的障碍.

This is w在这里 technology can ease such congestions. 室内地理定位服务可以引导访客到正确的办公室,并提供等待时间的信息. 定位服务还可以帮助管理高密度建筑中的人群安全,这对保持社会距离措施尤其重要.

The business benefits of geolocation services also abound. 公共交通公司和机场可以使用它们来引导乘客并研究人群模式. Instead of pamphlets and on-site staff, 地理定位服务也可以在活动中使用,将与会者连接到他们的目的地.

以上只是技术如何改善政府与公民沟通的一些例子, how countries have utilised various innovations, as well as the potential trickle-down opportunities for businesses. As we slowly recover from the economic impact of the pandemic, 利用技术的力量将为国家和企业提供在复苏阶段及以后蓬勃发展所需的竞争优势.



Director, 政府 ANZ, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

文斯帕里 is ALE’s Director for 政府 in ANZ. 他是一位值得信赖和敬业的专业人士,在领导和商业参与方面拥有强大的背景.

他在通信火狐体育手机拥有超过20年的经验,在通过洞察力和可量化的结果提供价值方面有着良好的记录. 在政府和企业部门有着丰富的经验, 文斯支持过许多组织的数字化转型.



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标签- 政府
